As a professional service provider, comwrap is dedicated to serving companies pursuing market leadership by deploying customer experience and commerce platforms that facilitate networked communications with their clientele, employees and partners.


So what sets us apart from IT consultancies and Internet agencies? Our cloud-native strategy and deployment result in a shorter time to value and a lower total cost of ownership.

Our solutions

To achieve this, we specialise in two market-leading ecosystems: Adobe Experience Cloud with Adobe Commerce and Adobe Experience Manager, and Ibexa DXP with Ibexa Content, Ibexa Experience and Ibexa Commerce.

Adobe Experience Cloud

The world’s leading platform for content and asset management, commerce, real-time personalization, marketing automation and advanced customer journey analytics

Magento Commerce Cloud

The leading commerce platform for B2C, B2B and everything in between

Ibexa DXP

The leading B2B Digital Experience Platform for Content, E-Commerce, Personalisation and Omni Channel Publishing

Our services

We get companies in shape for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges by helping to transform business and marketing processes. This lets companies unleash efficiencies and invest in the future.

  • Innovation as a business model
  • Cloud platform consulting
  • Enterprise architecture consulting
  • Technology strategy and roadmap
  • Personalization strategy

We design customer experiences by homing in on user needs. In the process, we place a premium on delivering added value for your customers and driving growth.

  • User research and data
  • Design thinking processes
  • Rapid prototyping
  • User-experience and interface design
  • Design/style systems

By delivering personalized and scalable digital experience platforms to facilitate communication with customers, employees and partners, we smooth the way for customer-focused business processes and cultures.

  • Experience-driven commerce platforms
  • Content and customer-experience platforms
  • AI-driven personalization
  • Account-based marketing automation
  • Advanced customer insights

Our technology partnerships

Adobe Solution Partner Platinum

Specialized Adobe Experience Manager and Specialized Magento Commerce

Ibexa DXP Platinum Partner

Specialized on Ibexa DXP Cloud for Content, Experience, Commerce and Personalization

Atlassian Silver Solution Partner

Specialized on Jira Software, Jira Service Management and Confluence in the Cloud

Unirgy Apex Partner

Specialized on Multi Vendor Marketplaces based on Magento Commerce

Recent projects

Recent Articles:


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